Why We Sing

28 October 2022

Why We Sing

28 October 2022

Music is an important part of a well-rounded education, and although there are many ways to express music, singing will be key at Hartford.

There is something uniquely beautiful about singing.

The human soul desires to sing. We sing to praise, we sing to celebrate special occasions and to entertain.

Singing can be enjoyed at home, in the car, and with or without instruments.

Singing, in the form of a choir, is a great bonding experience. It brings people together, to coordinate and to achieve collectively.

Given our desire for truth, goodness and beauty, the singing of a beautifully crafted song, to a divine melody, can move the masses.

Hence, Hartford is delighted to embrace singing as part of its music program.

To learn more about singing and its benefits for education listen, to this podcast from the Heights School near Washington DC called “Why we Sing“.

“Reason can only speak, the lover sings” – Josef Pieper