Dale Ahlquist - President American Chesterton Society
On Friday 1 November 2024, we were blessed to present for this year’s Hartford Symposium, Dale Ahlquist, President, American Chesterton Society.
Mr Ahlquist, on a flying visit from Minneapolis in the State of Minnesota, delivered an entertaining, thought-provoking and inspiring speech, touching on the complex and critical challenges in modern education.
An enthusiastic audience of over 100 people was in attendance. Dale’s speech was followed by a range of incisive questions from the audience.
Ahlquist’s experience in high school education draws from the writings of G.K. Chesterton, classical authors and the growth of the Chesterton Schools Network, now numbering over 60 schools.
We invite you to watch the presentation in the video below.
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Hartford offers the following scholarships in 2025:
History and Western Civilisation Scholarship
Maths, Science and Technology Scholarship
Literature, Great works, Language and Expression Scholarship
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An evening with Dale Ahlquist
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We’re currently looking to employ teachers of the highest calibre to join us in our mission to educate young men in mind, character and faith.
If you’re interested in a challenging fulfilling career move, please get in touch.

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