Student Life

At Hartford College we offer many different opportunities for students to expand their skills through joining groups and participating in friendly competition.

Student Clubs & Groups

Chess Club

At Hartford, we believe that chess develops the ability to see multiple perspectives and anticipate another’s actions. There will be the chance for students to play on a regular basis as a part of lunchtime activities, as well as in internal school competitions and the possibility of inter-school competitions.

“Chess is the gymnasium of the mind.”. – Blaise Pascal.

Thomas More’s Debating Club

At Hartford, we strongly encourage healthy debate on a wide range of topics. Named after the famous statesman and lawyer, Thomas More, the debating club will draw on a formalised tradition of style, tone, diction, language, clarity and fluency.

The benefits of debating are numerous: thinking and researching, communicating, sportsmanship, and building confidence under pressure. Opportunities for debating will be available in class, and potentially with other schools.

“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but few are educated.”  - Thomas More


As part of Hartford’s music program, there will be many opportunities to sing. This is a great musical training ground, since choristers will become familiar with the huge range of musical styles, ranging from the early Renaissance, through the Romantic and Classical eras, until the present day. They will have the opportunity to participate in a school choir that may perform at various functions and competitions.

"Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue." - Plato

Cicero’s Toastmasters

At Hartford, we will be exploring Cicero’s Toastmasters framework for developing and delivering effective speeches. This method was designed by the Roman oratorian, Cicero (108-43 BC), a philosopher, statesman, lawyer, and scholar.

Learning effective speech-writing and speech-making empowers students with the skills and confidence they need to communicate clear and powerful messaging. There will be opportunities for students to present in class on various topics, in school competitions, and the chance to represent the school in inter-school competitions.

“If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Other opportunities for students to shine

Hartford College hopes to provide your child with a wide range of valuable experiences, giving them the opportunities they need to grow their passions. These include: art shows, science competitions, maths competitions/Maths Olympiad, writing competitions, music performance, drama performance, culture days, history fairs, reading competitions, charity work, school newsletter club, and sporting carnivals.

Students will have many opportunities to participate in these school activities, and shine in their own way.