Music as a Liberating Art
24 March 2023
Music as a Liberating Art
24 March 2023
At Hartford College, we recognise music is an essential liberal art.
Teaching in the liberal arts tradition, music is central to character development, the recognition of beauty, the development of memory, and so much more.
Music has a profound connection to mathematics and poetry, engaging our body, mind, and heart. Music permeates our daily lives, whether we are alone or with others. It affects us emotionally, and creates connections between each of us and its creators.
At Hartford we regard it is vital for students to understand music, its elements, its history, how it works, what makes a good piece of music, and how we can find beauty in music.
Students learn to be inquisitive and reflective when listening to music. They strive to understand why certain pieces sound good and affect them, and how different elements might change the way they hear a song.
Some may think that learning music in school should only be for fun and enjoyment, or taught solely to those showing signs of being gifted and potentially becoming professional musicians.
At Hartford College, we believe in educating the whole person in as many areas as possible, not just for career success, but to live a good life.
In cooperation with our wonderful parents, we strive to be wise in how we teach children music and help them to discern and appreciate what they grow up listening to. In the end, not only does music shape and change our character, it also shapes our appreciation of the liberal arts and accordingly our opinions and understanding of the world.

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