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Term 3 - Week 8

In this newsletter

Principal's Message

Mr Frank Monagle

Year 7 Technology Report

Mr Ian Mejia

Mr Paul Murphy

Teaching and Learning in Years 5 and 6

Ms. Jenny Hoare 

Mr Paul Murphy

Latin Update

Miss Marie Yeo

From the Chaplain

Fr Paul Grant 

Principal's Message

Mr Frank Monagle, Principal

Dear Parents and Friends, 

Hartford’s first year seems to be racing along.  We are already in September. Secondary schools will soon be farewelling their Year 12 students, and Year 10s will be looking for work experience opportunities. Experience has taught me that if boys missed out on life’s key lessons at the time they are best able to respond positively, then those lessons are lost, perhaps forever. When I looked out into the playground in February, I was not sure who was in Year 5 and who was in Year 7. Now it is easy to tell as the sevens have shot up and are changing very quickly.

Similarly, the time that parents can have great influence for the good is diminishing. As we have just celebrated the role of fathers this past weekend, it is good to point out that as the boys pass into their teenage years, fathers often have, perhaps, even more influence than they did in earlier years.  The challenge is before you!


Warm Regards

Frank Monagle,


Teaching and Learning in Years 5 and 6  




Research and Writing Skills across Key Learning Areas


Ms Jenny Hoare, Years 5 & 6

Happy Father’s Day!

Research and Information Reports have been the focus across many of our Key Learning Areas this term. Years 5 and 6 students thoroughly enjoy learning about Earth and Space in our Science Unit. They have developed their understanding of the Earth, its position in the solar system and as a dynamic part of a complex, interrelated system.


Throughout the unit, the students have had the opportunity to develop their research skills by focusing on a specific goal, gathering relevant information, and presenting their findings in an organised structure. Each student researched either a planet, the moon, the stars and various components of the Solar System. Humans have always looked towards the sky and wondered about what they see. The students also researched early astronomers in the 16th and 17th centuries, who studied the night sky and developed ways to learn about objects in space. These included Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Henrietta Swan Leavitt and Edwin Hubble. It has been terrific to witness the students’ research skills improvement.


In our Geography Unit, the students are exploring how we live in a diverse and connected world. By understanding and valuing different cultures, they see the importance of a global society and how they can be global citizens. In this unit, each student has selected a country in ASIA to research. They have immersed themselves in its culture by studying and examining its environmental and human features.


At the end of the term, they will present their research and understanding of its connections with Australia in a digital presentation. The students will also write a reflection, comparing the similarities and differences relating to their chosen country and Australia's economy, lifestyle and population.

The unit has also provided the students with the opportunity to develop their mapping skills, where they have learnt and applied the BOLTSS acronym to remember the six essential features of a map: Border, Orientation, Legend, Title, Scale and Source. 

Latin Update

Miss Marie Yeo, Music and Latin teacher


For the past three terms, the Year 7s have been learning Latin both in the Classical way and in the ‘living’ methods pedagogue. Despite its labeling as a ‘dead’ language, Latin forms the foundation of not only our English vernacular but our Western civilization and culture, and hence, is a vital part of a Liberal Arts curriculum.


Learning the grammar of the Latin language have helped the boys advance in their vocabulary knowledge and will assist in advancing their literacy skills. One of the beauties of Latin is that, unlike modern English vocabulary – which has now been reduced to one to a few definitions per term - one Latin word can contain a plethora of meaning and history. This is often understood in the etymology and inflections of different words.



One example is learning the difference between Video (I see), which indicates a fact, and Videre (to see), which almost has an infinity to its meaning, as there is no indication of who is seeing, nor how long the seeing is happening, both having the root vid (see) as a precursor of the English word video (something that is seen/watched). There is a succinctness in Latin which does not obviously exist in the vernacular. Learning Latin will always assist in English, both as a written and spoken word.


Struggling to learn and memorise content which does not always point to an immediate satisfaction in real life nurtures discipline, intellectual stamina and memorization skills. It is delightful to see some of the students shine in areas they are not often recognized for. For example, chanting the conjugation endings is not dissimilar to memorizing a poem or rap song.


This term, the boys have been covering First and Second Conjugation Verbs in the active voice, both in the indicative and imperative moods. They have been covering past, present and future endings of different verbs. It is exciting to learn that the root of one word can remain the same, though the endings will change its meaning. The boys and I have also discussed the origins of all Romance languages in Latin, touching on root words in Italian, Spanish, etc.


The boys have also been going through the great sayings of Western Civilisation, statements which have surpassed time and contexts, speaking to all people and communities. Statements such as “Carpe Diem (seize/pluck the day)”, and Julius Caesar’s famous, “Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)”, were recorded and discussed.


From the Chaplain

Fr Paul Grant, Chaplain

Fr Paul Grant, Chaplain

We had a school Mass on August 15 to celebrate a great Feast of Mary: her assumption into Heaven. The event does help us to look to heaven, our destiny, and look to her for help to get there. For many of us, the most exciting event these last few weeks has been the visit of the Prelate of Opus Dei. It is his first visit to Australia. We asked him to drive past the school and he blessed the place and said he would pray that Hartford be a successful endeavour. Our aims for the boys at the school are what he is praying for. And now, with the arrival of Spring, everything looks and feels great. The school seems to be going very well and the boys are appreciating the fine sunny weather. I am always impressed on the days I come to Hartford. It is to always find a welcoming and positive atmosphere.



Until next time,

Fr. Paul

Year 7 Technology Class


Mr Ian Mejia, Deputy Principal

In Year 7 Technology Class, students have been researching, designing, testing, and constructing load-bearing bridges. Throughout this project students have learnt about design principles, grappling with concepts of tension, compression, as they investigate different designs through the use of trusses.

The design brief: to design and construct a bridge spanning 60cm, with a 15cm width. The bridge will be assessed on a ratio of load / weight.

Learning how to build model bridges goes beyond crafting miniature structures. It imparts essential lessons in structural engineering, problem-

solving, and creative thinking. Through this hands-on experience, students gain insights into the principles of load distribution, material strength, and the intricate balance of forces that govern real-world constructions. The process encourages students to explore design concepts, face challenges head-on, and iterate based on trial and error.


This endeavour instils a sense of accomplishment and empowers learners to apply their acquired knowledge to larger, real-world projects, inspiring them to become innovative thinkers and confident problem-solvers in the real world.


Stay tuned for the testing results!


-Ian Mejia


Important Announcements and Reminders


ICAS testing has concluded for 2023. Results will be ready in around 15 days. Please see below on how to access your son’s ICAS results. Certificates will be mailed to the school and presented at assembly.


Compass Information

If you have not already done so, you can download the app here. 

Compass for Parents 


THE HART is Hartford College's newsletter for parents and students. Here you will receive all the latest news for what is happening around the school.

The name 'THE HART' refers to a mature stag of more than five years old. Its use is now considered in a more poetic form deriving from the Middle English word hert.

The word hart can be found in many classic texts such as the Old English epic Beowulf, which names Hrothgar's royal hall Heorot after the Danish word hjort meaning "deer".

J. R. R. Tolkien uses the word hart in his book The Hobbit, especially in the scenes traveling through Mirkwood Forest.

Shakespeare's uses the word in his plays, particularly the Twelfth Night as a pun between 'hart' and 'heart'.

It is in the spirit of these great works that we decided to name our newsletter THE HART since we want our boys to grow into mature and wise men like a faun grows into the stag or hart.

This newsletter will go to the heart of what is happening at our school by sharing news, stories and events.

Dare to think. Dare to know.