First Day of Classes at Hartford College
03 February 2023
First Day of Classes at Hartford College
03 February 2023
This week, on Tuesday 31 January, we celebrated our historic first day of classes at Hartford College.
The students arrived with their parents to meet the teachers and see their classroom. Parents enjoyed a morning tea and meeting up with other parents and staff.
The students were taken on a school tour and then commenced their classes, including Maths, Science, French, Philosophy and Music.
At recess there was a “Welcome to Hartford College” cake which was cut and shared to celebrate the momentous day.
In their first Philosophy class with Dr Emma Wood, students enjoyed a robust conversation on “Free Will” which had the boys further discussing the subject at lunch.
Many of the students organised their own basketball game, breaking in the new court.
The students concluded with a class on Music’s history before heading home in the sunshine. A good way to finish their first day at Hartford College.
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